Add Google Analytics to a Website
You want to track your visitors and their behavior about your site all traffic sources, then you have set up Google analytics to your website if, you need to add google analytics to the website.
Hello, my name is Satish and in this post, I have to tell you the simple step to add google analytics to a website and track your visits.
If I tell about add google analytics to a website you have a Question in mind why I add my site to Google analytics?
Yes, it the good question and I m tell you the profitable and just you want then you have added your site to google analytics then find some data like.
Google analytics help to find the website performance is going to down and up then you find the is down you can work on then go up.
you find the session and flow off your website traffic and new visitor and old visitor, then you add just fresh site this type of data you do not get it get 1 to 2 days for collection and they show all user data.
STEP TO Add google analytics to website
First, add website in google analytics go to following link
And then you see some like menu.
Then create the account or you just sign in use of your email account. There is 3 step setup account, add code to the site, and track audience.
Select your track product website or App in case I select the website and add the website all information in a field.
Account name: Infotechker
Website name: infotechker
Website URL: it my website link or address on home or index page.
Industry category: the select category that belongs to your website like, tech, news, internet whichever you want.
Reporting time: in that section, you set your country time zone report.
![Google Analytics 6 google analytics](
Data sharing Setting: read all information about this section and check all box and click to “Get Tracking ID ” and you find some tracking code.
Read the term and condition of google analytics and click to I Accept button. And you redirect to property page of Google Analytics and there you find the UA- code you have added this code to your website.
Just copy the script and add to your website before the </head> tag and save your website temple.
Find this code like image and pest your tracking code just like I pest and save it.
Go to Home button and find your audience report your user number, session, Bounce rate and session duration how many time spend visitor on your site.
You have found deep details also to go to Avery section separately. Right side you find current active user status.
![Google Analytics 1 google analytics](
Traffic channel you find the traffic-related all sources like where are from traffic coming to your site.
Direct: user enters your domain in a browser directly without using Google search engine.
Organic search: user use google search to find your website and they visit organic search is the best way to a website.
Referral: other websites refer or redirect a user to your website call refers traffic like redirection method.
Social: traffic comes with various social media channel like facebook, twitter G+ etc.
Traffic came with which country like India. The USA, Uk etc and which device like desktop, tablet, mobile.
Conclusion: Adding Your Google Analytics Code to Your Site is the important process to track your audience and website performers you should add google analytics to a website and follow the all related information about website traffic and behavior.