Search engine Optimization is Important in every Business. it Doesn’t Matter you can run a small or Large firm . SEO is simply the process of setting up and optimize your website so that it’s easily found by search Engine like Google, Yahoo, and Bing etc.
Most businesses realize they should have a website, but simply having a website is only the first step doesn’t guarantee that you receive any significant traffic. Building an effective website that will provide a strong consistent flow of leads of sale requirement marketing.
Website Design and SEO
Just as building a beautiful storefront isn’t the only factor that will result in sales, online marketing isn’t as simple building a beautiful website .visitors to your website don’t feel comfortable , perhaps, for instance, because there are too many ads.But the Design is only the Beginning there are hundred of the factors that can affect your search rank generally categorized as “On-Site” factor.
On-Site SEO
SEO is divided into two main categories On-site and Off-site consist of the element such as text and Meta tag that exist on your website.
A structure of On-site SEO
They structure of your website is very important not for SEO but also user Experience Perspective. there is some structure we show.
- Optimization for Mobile Device: Make your website Responsive and Mobile Device uses responsive code or word press or Blogger responsive Template for Building website.
- URL Structure: URL structure is important to SEO you can use Keyword for Article or site in that Particular section.
- Navigation Menu : The navigation Menu Is the Important to Any website its help to user find the content section on the site. Make your website menu properly navigated. The menu is user-friendly for both Pc and Mobile User.
- Page Layout: Page Layout that is one of the keys to making good SEO on the site make your site Page Layout 2 colon or 3 colon but responsive user-friendly .
- Internal Links : it’s like that are your menu bar links basically , links are open your site another website.
- Website Speed: website speed is important to good so your site is load fast that is the good sign. For instant load, the site uses a minimum image of a site with compress image size . let’s check your website speed for Google speed check link is given below .
- Site map: that is the important in any website always use XML sitemap that helps Search Engine to Find or Index content in your Site.
code on your site that are clear and efficient, a Messy code will bring your website Ranking on the search engine . Ignore to use most JavaScript code because a search engine is not like this type of code. Use template website such as Word press CMS, that always guaranty the code are very clear and efficient.
When your Website is ready structured and coded correctly and your content are excellent than its time to make solid Off-site SEO strategy. Off-site SEO are performed the specify KEYWORD that is related to your site. User enter a keyword in Search Engine that is available in your site search engine show your site on a result. Off page, SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a website in the search engine results page.
- INBOUND LINKS 1. some of the links are connected to another site that calls inbound link ex. Social Media Profile link, Ads Link. a link is clickable word phrase, image or button that direct to your website to another URL. That each link as a vote for your website credibility vouching for your website worthiness to rank highly In search result. Inbound links will also drive free reference traffic to your website .
- Social Signal: social media is the major role in driving a traffic . Google and other search engine take into account your social media influence , not only does your activity in social media improve your search engine ranking, but social media is the excellent way to build your brand reach the new audience and drive potential customers .
- REVIES: The reviews of a website are important to search ranking on your site. Some of the sites are available that are the help to overall reviews of your website Just like