How to start Facebook Ads for increasing Business/website traffic?

What is the requirement

Hello, friends today in my first post I have to show you how to promote Your Product/website in using facebook Network for increasing your traffic. Firstly understand the concept of Facebook Advertising for how and where you can use this?

A Page gave your business a voice and presence on Network and is designed to help you connect with the customer and reach your goals. Using the  ads you need your Fan/ Celebrity page Avery website owner or celebrity or anyone they can make  Page because  have a limit to friends is only 5000. Then celebrity or any business/ website owner can use Page for Connecting /Marketing/Advertising/etc. And Reach their content/product to more people can be like their page and get updates of Avery post the page owner can share.
Promote Page: This Button on Page  has been provided to page owner to promote their page,  can a campaign to Promote your page for More likes , may provide Budget for per day for how many likes for promoting your Page on world wind you can set location also which you promote Your Page.
Boost post Button can help to fast engage the user to your post making ads you can boost your particular one post to engaging more people to read this post. Clicking boost  shows the daily Budget option to choose all setting we discuss all off in that articles.

Promote website Button can help you click on your site  can display your site on their Ads. The user may click on ads and ads can redirect a user to your site this is just like a paid traffic it uses for increasing fast traffic on your site.

First Step to choose what are you Promote PAGE, POST, WEBSITE

Then clicks to page promotes Option.

Gender Select Your Audience All , MEN or Woman its Depend your Product/content/articles/website which you are target .ex .you provide cloth jewellery so you can target women is the best target for that product or select ALL option to target both audiences I think its best.

Age: Select age to which age group your website/product/content area target is help for facebook shorter the audience.

Location: is the importance because your website India and you select another country targeting it not goods for your traffic. So select your target location area Country state.

Interests: that is the one of the option to target user in this option you select your product or website are belong to which use just like category.

Daily Budget: in this option, you can choose your Daily promoting Budget, but a budget is required than Rs 40+ for per day promoting  your Page it’s deferent for promoting Website or Post.

Duration: I that Option you can add you advertisement duration how many day you using this advertisement, duration has been base on you Budget also how many money you can pay for this advertisement.

And then CLICK to PROMOT Button and make Payment sometimes Card payment not Accepting in Facebook advertisisng  but don’t panic you can use third party payment method in India you can use for making payment done .
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